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nursery with purpose


One of Mona’s goals at The Prickly Pear is to be a space that cultivates inclusivity and love for mama earth for all. Not only does PP garden create such a unique space for plant shopping, weddings, birthdays, fundraisers and more but we wanted to give back to the community as well with complimentary Saturday Yoga and programs for children and adults with developmental challenges. We had a special program for developmentally challenged adults and elementary/middle schools to enjoy outdoor activities, gardening, and many other community oriented events from 2017-2020 but we all know things drastically changed after 2020 and we hope to start those activities again in the future. If you would like to inquire about setting something up with us, please email us! We believe that nature has the ability to heal and everyone would should get their hands in mama earth soil weekly!


Therapeutic Botanical Garden

Our goal was to create a desert botanical garden infused with life-size crystals to take you away from the chaos of our daily lives and step into a therapeutic zone that allows you to be calm and present. Nature has the ability to heal and that’s the focus behind The Prickly Pear Botanical Garden

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community garden

At the heart of The Prickly Pear, we are all about giving back to our community, cultivating love and creating inclusion. We have created a small community garden geared towards adults with disabilities to participate in structured gardening programs and the garden space has now expanded to children from less affluent neighborhoods. We work with different non-profits and families in the greater Sacramento area and we are always looking to connect with more programs! Please feel free to contact us with suggestions and questions.